IFESS UK 2024 – Keynote Speakers

Challenges and enablers of integrating electrical stimulation technologies into clinical care

Harvey Sihota

Founder, Neurokinex
Chief Vision Officer, Spinal Research

About: Harvey founded Neurokinex, a community-based network of rehabilitation centres serving spinal cord and brain injuries, after his own spinal cord injury in 2009 left him as a paraplegic and full-time wheelchair user.

Harvey has over 20 years of experience working in the finance and technology sector, which he has put to good use to help evolve the Neurokinex platform and its strategic objectives to redefine possibilities for the paralysis community.

In 2020, Harvey joined Spinal Research (ISRT), a medical research charity dedicated to developing advanced treatments for paralysis after spinal cord injury, as Chief Executive, and now Chief Vision Officer. Since joining ISRT, Harvey has focused the organisation on catalysing and accelerating translational research and the commercialisation of drugs, biologics and devices for patient benefit.

Harvey enjoys reading, travelling, exercising, and learning about neuroscience and neurotechnology.